Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Graduation, Apartments, Crocheting....Oh My!

Well life got very busy, very quickly. On Saturday I officially became a graduate of WPI. It went by so quickly. The ceremony was 2 hours long, but it took only seconds to get my diploma and walk off the stage. I think I spent the majority of those seconds trying really hard not to fall down in front of everyone. Only after I was safely off stage could I stop and smile for the camera:

Along with graduation came lots of delicious food. I think I'll be exercising for a good while to make up for a weekend of feasting. Graduating is not good for maintaining one's girlish figure. 

After a weekend of celebration I still had things left to do. Mainly, drive back to Danbury and Fishkill to look at mine and Meghan's top 4 apartment choices. We spent the morning riding around with the agents and hearing about/visiting our options, then we went to lunch at Panera and chose our home for the next year. It ended up working out really well since we both liked the same place and agreed that it was in fact the best option for us. The complex is called Crown Point at the Reserve. Check out this link to get an idea of  where we'll be living:
We chose an apartment in one of the brand new buildings just put up this spring, so we get to be the first people to live in the apartment. That's right, we get to live in a place that is shiny and new! This is definitely an upgrade from college apartment living. Looks like engineering was a good major choice, it pays off right away in the form of a way nicer apartment. 

Along with all of this business, I decided to take on the Lace Tea gloves I've been wanting to make for Martina so she can wear them during our spring/summer tea parties. This was definitely a challenge for my crochet skills, but it ended up being worth it! 
Last night I finished crocheting the left glove. Now all I have left to do is attach the little pearl buttons that will be on the inside of the wrist of the glove. I think I might have made a small mistake on the right glove (Picture above) But I don't think it's too noticeable so I'm not going to worry about it. I just hope they fit and she likes them! 

Now I just have to finish up the second shrug I started and then choose a new project! I can't even believe how quickly projects go by when you don't have any work to do and you're almost all packed up to move already. I'm excited for the summer and more free time. I'm hoping to make some light lacy projects so that I can continue knitting without having to deal with overheating hands. Good thing I have some sock yarn in my stash!

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